Definition of Killer bee

1. Noun. An investment banker who devises strategies to make a target company less attractive for takeover.

Generic synonyms: Investment Banker, Underwriter

2. Noun. A strain of bees that originated in Brazil in the 1950s as a cross between an aggressive African bee and a honeybee; retains most of the traits of the African bee; now spread as far north as Texas.

Definition of Killer bee

1. Noun. (informal) An Africanized honey bee. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Killer Bee

killdeer plover
killed in action
killed time
killed two birds with one stone
killer T-cell
killer T cell
killer T cells
killer app
killer application
killer applications
killer apps
killer bee
killer bees
killer cancel
killer cancels
killer cell
killer cells
killer game
killer games
killer green bud
killer instinct
killer language
killer plasmid
killer poke
killer pokes
killer whale

Literary usage of Killer bee

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Costa Rica by Nelles Verlag Staff, Klaus Boll, Ortrun Egelkraut, Detlev Kirst (1999)
"The African killer bee has also been spotted at Lomas Barbudal in the last several years. The bee has caused concern and fear throughout Central America ..."

2. Mosca: A Factual Fiction by Richard Miller (1997)
"SHe began to suffer killer-bee angst. Get Sebastiana to help me and the crows. "You want me to help you and the crows, don't you, ..."

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